Jee Main & Advanced Preparation Time Table 2018

Best Time Table for IIT JEE Main and Advanced 2018For each IIT JEE aspirant, to work his/her way to the top ranks is never easy. While they are ready to face the awaiting challenges, it is better if they do that in a planned manner by inducting a daily routine for IIT preparation. This will ensure proper execution and timely success. With the help of a timetable for IIT JEE 2018, they can visualize the progress of their own preparation and be more confident during the entire process.

While each student has his/her approach to the study timetable for IIT preparation, they need to ensure that they give ample time to each topic. Not limited to this, their focus should also be on studying in a comfortable and healthy manner.


Therefore, with the essence of making the move more effective, you should keep the following things in mind for best timetable for IIT JEE 2018.

  • Understand what you want? While, we know what your end goals are, but the way you want to achieve that, impacts your journey. Once you know that you want to prepare for IIT JEE in a slow and steady manner, you can plan a two-three year time table and start from early classes. There are students with clear career goals and aspire for a seat in IITs, who start preparing even from class VIII and IX. Such students can prepare JEE main timetable or JEE advanced timetable by analyzing past trends and understanding class XI and XII syllabi. They will also come to know the key skills and requirements they need to build from early classes. But, if you have one year, six months, three months at hand, then the study timetable for IIT preparation will of course be charted on different lines. Whatever be the choice of tenure, your daily routine for IIT preparation will move accordingly.

  • Create a unique timetable. Since you are a unique individual, you cannot work on pre-set timetables that work best for someone else. So, your timetable must reflect your own comfort and ease towards strengthening the concepts of a particular topic. You can ensure this by allocating customized time to different topics, per your previous understanding on the same. You can also spare less/more time for revision per your comfort. It certainly is all about playing to your strengths with your IIT JEE preparation timetable. For instance, if you feel you have strong concepts in Physics, you can probably give a bigger share of the pie to mathematics and chemistry. Focus on learning mathematical formulae and chemical equations more.

  • Move ahead with a clear vision. Unless you know what your end goal actually is, you will stay confused about how many hours should I study for IIT? This is because, clearing JEE Main might need a different approach and steering ahead to even clear JEE advanced a different one. You might just be aiming for some colleges that seek JEE main rankings like the NITs. This clarity will ensure that you do not bang your head on the wall, when it is actually not required. So, think ahead and plan your schedule accordingly.

  • Remember class XIth syllabus covers 45% of the examination paper, while class XIITh syllabus covers the remaining 55%

  • This strengthens the aspect of beginning your preparation as soon your Xth standard exams are through

  • This will give you a great start and a leap ahead of many others

  • Focus on important chapters. Before you plan for a comprehensive JEE preparation schedule, never ignore the step of ‘analysing past trends’. Rather you can move ahead with a timetable only after you have done a thorough analysis. You can refer previous year exam patterns to decipher important and repetitive topics. Look out for expert opinion and then gauge your level of preparation on those. Give dedicated time to solving Past Year Exam Papers. This will help you keep in view all parameters like:

  • Chances of a question/topic being repeated

  • Is your level of preparation proportionate to that

  • If not, then how can you make a good schedule, to ensure that happens

IIT JEE Preparation Time Table 2018

  • Keep alternating between subjects. To absorb the most, it’s advisable to give your mind a breather and move topic wise between the three subjects. This will also allow a focused way forwards. You can choose topics wisely upon understanding the past paper patterns. For instance:

  • Past few years have displayed dominance of questions pertaining Mechanics, in Physics. Other significant segments be like Gravitation, Errors & Measurements and Fluids etc. Questions on Modern Physics, Ray & Wave Optics and Heat & Thermodynamics etc. follow suit.

  • Under the Chemistry section, you can focus on topics like Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Nuclear Chemistry, Nomenclatures, Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes etc. cover a major portion. While, under Inorganic Chemistry the paper generally sees questions from P Block elements.

  • In Mathematics Differential Calculus seems the favourite, with Coordinate Geometry, Integral Calculus, Vector Analysis etc., in close heels. Probability and Permutation & Combination see the least number of questions each year

While, you can follow the above aspects to plan and prepare well for IIT JEE. There could be other impacting parameters that need due recognition in your daily schedule. These be like:

  • Proper time to rest: You can never compensate an unhealthy schedule. So, even a comprehensive IIT JEE Preparation time table 2018 should not overlook proper rest time for at least 8 hours.

  • Exercise and stay fit: Even if you are running against time for IIT JEE preparations, indulge in simple exercises every day for at least 30 minutes. You can take a break in between your study regime every day to ensure that you do that.

  • Socialize: Socialize to heal your mind. Take a 15-20 minutes break to interact with people in the family/friends. Discuss current affairs or indulge in light hearted conversations. This will help in keeping your mind refreshed.

JEE Advanced Timetable

How to prepare JEE Main Time Table

Now, this is a tricky one. While you need to complete the vast curriculum, you cannot overdo it with studies at all times, so that the mind and body are properly rested. As suggested above.  A balanced daily routine for IIT preparation will surely help your case better. Following the simplest of tips can help you in ways beyond your immediate understanding. Once you align yourself with the end goal, you will feel that you will act and play a more disciplined.Begin with a daily dose of discipline, and

  1. Give a focused three-hour window to every new topic, so that you complete the same with perfection

  2. Always take some time out to complete a previous topic that requires constant practice/revision of formulae/steps etc. Dedicate about an hour every day to this. You will observe how the inclusion of this short window in your jee main preparation timetable will polish your understanding about the given topic.

  3. Sample papers and Mock Tests aren’t a fad, they are absolutely compulsory as a continuous reminder of where you stand. So dedicate about two hours every day to practice the questions related to the topic you just completed.

  4. Every day, give two-three hours to yourself (morning meditation, afternoon nap, evening break, etc.). Both your mind and body desire that to stay refreshed.

  • You need to understand that there is no set study timetable for IIT toppers, but it is your visioning and strategy that makes you an IIT topper. Of course, there are some catalysts to initiate your journey to success. Like,

    • Effective Time Management: Once you take a tumble with time management, you will surely get lost.

    • Good Food and Exercise: You need healthy food and not tons of it. So, eat light and shine brightly. Do light exercises/brisk walk/small jog; things that don’t tire you much

    • A Positive Environment: When you prepare in a positive environment, you take in more. Your understanding and retention improve, so stay calm and stay positive.

    • Ample Practice: Practice has no substitute, so mock tests and sample paper revision is a must every day.

    • Smart Tips and Tricks: Learn shortcuts and tricks to revise formulae/diagrams/graphs etc.

    • Self-Belief: Self-belief is the perfect way to achieve success. Do not feel overconfident, but believe in your abilities nonetheless.

Follow the Below Time Table to Ensure Proper Implementation of your Plans:

While looking online for a readymade timetable for IIT JEE, keep in mind that every single minute of your preparation period is crucial.

  • Break: For a short walk/ jog in the park (7:00 PM – 7:30 PM)

  • Work on a mock test, for the questions pertaining today’s complete topics (7:30 PM – 9:15 PM)

  • Have dinner: Have a light dinner for a good night’s sleep (9:15 PM – 9:45 PM)

  • Continue revision on previous topics/mock test(9:45 PM – 11:00 PM)

  • Sleep

You could follow this timetable to have a healthy and fruitful journey till your JEE mains and thereupon.

So stick to the IIT JEE preparation timetable 2018, you prepared for yourself because there is no one size that fits all. All the best.

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