Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana 2019 Exam


Table of Content

General Information



Exam Type

Scholarship Program

Conducted By

Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India


KVPY 2017

Benefits of KVPY Exam

  • Selected students will receive generous KVPY scholarship and an opportunity to attend summer camps at the prestigious research and educational institutions of India

  • Chosen students will receive a monthly stipend of Rs 5,000 and an annual contingency grant of Rs 20,000 during 1st to 3rd year of their undergraduate programs

  • Students will get an access to libraries and laboratory facilities of Universities and National Laboratories

  • Students of Integrated M.Sc. or M.Sc programs in Basic Sciences will receive a monthly stipend of Rs 7,000 and an annual contingency grant of Rs 28,000 in their 4th and 5th year

The KVPY 2019 scholarship under its various categories is given in the table below.

Basic Science

Monthly Fellowship

Annual Contingency Grant

SA/SX/SB - during 1st to 3rd years of - B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math. / Integrated M.Sc. /M.S.

Rs. 5000

Rs. 20000

SA/SX/SB  - during  M. Sc. / 4th to 5th  years of Integrated M.Sc. /M.S

Rs. 7000

Rs. 28000

KVPY Eligiblity Criteria 2019

The KVPY Fellowships are only applicable to the Indian Nationals who study in India. OCI and PIO’s are not eligible for the program (Applications are invited from Indian Nationals. However, as per the Interim Order (Final Order awaited) of the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka OCI/PIO students will be allowed to take up the KVPY Aptitude Test 2019).

Only those Students enrolled in an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences, that is, B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Marine Biology, Geology, Human Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Applied Physics, Geophysics, Materials Science or Environmental Science.

Click here to know more about the KVPY eligibility criteria.

KVPY Selection Process 2019

  • The selection of students is made from those studying in XI standard to 1st year in any undergraduate Program in Basic Sciences namely B.Sc. /B.S. /B.Stat. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /M.S. in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology having aptitude for scientific research. Special groups / committees are set up at IISc, to screen the applications and conduct an aptitude test at various centres in the country.

  • Based on the performance in the aptitude test, short-listed students are called for an interview which is the final stage of the selection procedure. For receiving a fellowship, both aptitude test and interview marks are considered.

  • The merit list is based on 75% weight-age for Aptitude Test marks and 25% weight-age for the interview marks in the streams SA, SB and SX. SA can be written by students studying in class 11. SX can be written by students studying in class 12.

KVPY Exam Pattern 2019

The KVPY exam pattern remains constant for each year. It comprises of a paper-pen format with 100 questions to answer. Every year the cutoff marks for the different categories (SC/ST/PWD) are announced by the KVPY. Given below is cutoff list of the KVPY for 2018.


Cut Off

Total Marks

Stream SA (general)









Stream SB (general)









Stream SX (general)









KVPY Important Dates 2019

KVPY has announced important dates for the examination. Below is the KVPY 2019 Important Dates



Application Begins

8th July 2019

Application Closes

20th August 2019

KVPY Exam Date 2019

3rd November 2019

KVPY Application Process 2019

The application for the KVPY aptitude test 2019 will open on 8th  week of July 2019. Candidates willing to take the online version of the KVPY aptitude test 2019-20 will be required to enter the details related to the educational qualifications, age, and other necessary information. The applicant will also need to attach the latest passport size photograph along with scanned images of their complete signature at the appropriate places on the application form.

KVPY Study Material 2019

KVPY has not prescribed any syllabus for the written exam. The aptitude test screen students on the basis of their factual knowledge, understanding, and analytical ability. The test is designed differently for students of different grades.

askIITians offers you a complete set of KVPY study material, complete with formulas as well as tips and tricks for each chapter.

Join the discussion on KVPY books or ask our askIITians experts to guide you.

KVPY 2019 Sample Paper

Students can download KVPY Sample Paper of the year 2013 for free. With the help of sample papers, students can know the insight about the KVPY aptitude test questions, scores and pattern.

Click here to download sample paper for each eligible category- Stream SA, Stream SB and Stream SX

KVPY Books

If you are done through the class text books thoroughly, you need not have to study any additional preparatory books for KVPY 2019 exam. But however, if you insist on preparing for KVPY 2019 exam subject-wise, then askIITians prescribes you some of the following books for your KVPY 2019 preparation.




Fundamentals of Physics: A Must-Have Resource Book CBSE JEE and NEET-UG by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker; Publisher: Wiley


Mathematics For Class XI by R. D. Sharma; Publisher: Dhanpat


Moderns ABC of Chemistry for Class - XI With CD by Modern Publishers


Elementary Biology (Volume - 1) by K.N. Bhatia, M.P. Tyagi; Publisher: Trueman

KVPY Interview Tips for Successful Candidates

Also known as the Personality Test, KVPY interview process is not a mere test of knowledge but an evaluation of overall personality of a candidate and how he or she applies concepts to real-life scenarios.

Here are the some essential tips for KVPY Interview that one should follow in an interview

  • Dress appropriately: Dress formally for KVPY interviews. A formal shirt, trousers and blazer should do the trick. Make sure your shoes are well-polished and the knot of your tie is prim and proper. If you do not wear tie, just make sure you keep your shirt buttoned up.

  • First impressions last forever: The moment you enter the room fall into the role of an interviewee. Greet the interviewers properly and have a confident smile on your face. Maintain a steady gait to the seat and do not be daunted by the number of interviewers around you. On the other hand, do not be snobbish or rude. Look the part you want to play later in life – of being a cool, bright, socially useful science researcher.

  • Work on your Body Language: While being fluent and presenting your ideas well is important, the non-verbal language you use can make or break any interview. So, maintain a respectful eye contact with the person questioning you and others around you while answering the question and keep your hands comfortably on the lap. Make sure you sit straight and alert in the chair. Do not crouch or lean back on the chair. Also, it is not advisable to cross your legs during the interview. Project a cool, calm and collected image and focus on questions and the presentation of your answers. And make sure you do not itch in front of the interviewers!

  • Know what you are there for: KVPY interviews assess candidates for suitability of candidate for a research career and how candidate’s academic performance and personality is in sync with their research interest areas. Make sure you know about your research interests and be up-to-date with the developments in those areas. It might also help you to be aware about different research methods and interesting developments in the field of Science. Do not be nervous if an interviewer suddenly starts questioning on something totally unrelated to your syllabus or off-topic. Answer as honestly as you can and try to use your common sense to find answers as best as you can. If you do not know anything, accept it but stay confident.

  • Stay in Role until you are out of the room: Be respectful and professional as you leave the room. Thank all your interviewers, especially the ones who seem to be most impressed by you. It may also help you to practice your English communication skills now so that you can be comfortable in framing your thoughts on the interview day.

  • Remember you are never a failure! Even if you do not make it to being a KVPY fellow this year, there are always other opportunities waiting for you. Students of Class 11 (Stream SA) and Class 12 (Stream SX) can still continue with their KVPY exam preparation and try out next year.

askIITians offers best KVPY online coaching program in India. Designed and offered by ex-IITians, this online KVPY program includes one-on-one Live Classes, a complete comprehensive study material and an exclusive test series.

KVPY Results 2018

KVPY result is only declared once the two stages of the test are complete. The qualified candidates from the aptitude test are informed and called for the interview in the month of November. The final names of the selected students for KVPY scholarship program are declared in the month of January.

Click Here for KVPY Results of 2018

Click here to know How to prepare for KVPY 2019 Examination

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