COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam


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COMEDKName of the Exam: COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018

Degrees Offered: MS, MD, Diploma, MDS

COMEDK Medical Colleges

  • Adichunchanagiri Institute Of Medical Sciences, Mandya

  • Basaveshwara Medical College And Hospital, Chitradurga

  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore

  • Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore

  • H K E Society's M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga

  • J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere

  • K.V.G. Medical College & Hospital, Sullia

  • Kempegowda Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bangalore

  • M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore

  • S. Nijalingappa Medical College & Hsk Hospital And Research Centre, Bagalkot

  • S.S. Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Davangere

  • Sdm College Of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad

COMEDK Dental Colleges

  • A.E.C.S. Maaruti College Of Dental Sciences And Research Centre, Bangalore

  • A.M.E's Dental College & Hospital, Raichur

  • Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davangere

  • College Of Dental Sciences, Davangere

  • D. A. Pandu Memorial R. V. Dental College, Bangalore

  • Dayananda Sagar College Of Dental Sciences, Bangalore

  • Dr. Syamala Reddy Dental College Hospital & Research Centre, Bangalore

  • H.K.E.Society S.Nijalingappa Institute Of Dental Sciences & Research, Gulbarga

  • K. L. E. Society's Institute Of Dental Sciences, Bangalore

  • K.V.G. Dental College & Hospital, Sullia

COMEDK PG 2018 Exam Information



Start Date for Issue of Online Application

9th  March 2018

Last Date for receipt of completed Application Forms

22nd March  2018

COMEDK Exam Date 2018 Medical

2nd  June 2018

COMEDK PG 2018 Exam Centers

COMDEK PG 2018 entrance test is to be held at Bangalore only on the mentioned date and scheduled time.

COMEDK PG Medical Exam 2018 Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates applying for the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 must have cleared the MBBS exam from any Medical College/University recognized by the MCI (Medical Council of India)

  • The candidate applying for COMDEK must have completed the rotating internship or in process of completing it on or before Last week  of April 2017.

  • Candidates of General Category scoring 50% in the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 and the candidates of SC/ST/OBC and other scheduled category scoring minimum of 40% in the exam are eligible for applying into the Medical colleges under COMDEK

  • The candidates appearing the COMDEK 2018 must have to be registered with the Medical Council of India or any of the recognized Medical Council of any state. The candidates who do not have the registration done must obtain within a month of date of admission and failing to that can result in cancellation of the candidature.

  • Candidates having the MBBS degree from any of the Foreign University, he/she must register himself/herself with Medical Council of India. The candidate will be admitted on provisional basis subjected to the terms that the degree he/she is producing is duly registered with the country from where the candidate has obtained it and that institution is a registered authority under the corresponding Council or concerned authority in India.

  • Candidates who have already appeared for COMDEK in past 3 years and are also selected for any of the clinical PG Degree and also are admitted in any of the colleges under COMDEK member institutions are not permitted to appear for the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018.

  • Any candidate who is declared debarred by OMDEK in past years is also not allowed to appear for the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018.

COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 Brochure

Candidates willing to appear for the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 can avail the information bulletin from COMDEK brochure from the official website.

Please click here for the COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 Brochure.

COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 Application Form

COMDEK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 shall be held on 2nd week of June 2018 and the application form for the exam shall be available from 9th March 2018. The forms are to be available online only and can be filled online only from the official website of COMDEK.

Candidates willing to appear the COMDEK 2018 are required to fill the application form online and hence are also required to read the instructions carefully before filling the application form. They also need to keep the demand draft and the University mark sheet ready before filling the application form.

Some General instructions for filling the COMDEK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 application form:

  • Candidates are required to log on to the website of COMDEK and fill the online application form on the link given on the website

  • Log on to the COMEDK official website and click on the link of COMEDK Medical PG Online Application Form.

  • The application form contains the basic details of the candidates to be filled along with the payment details which are to be made through the Demand Draft payable at the Bangalore only. The DD number has to be filled in to the application form at the space given and the DD has to be sent by post to the administrative department of COMDEK.

  • The candidates are required to mention their name and the application number behind the DD, failing of which can result in rejection of the application. The application number is a six-digit unique code that can be generated once the form has been submitted by clicking the ‘Submit’ button on the website.

  • The filled application form also b seen on the screen after filling it and the candidates are required to verify the details of their and match them properly.

  • After verifying the details the candidates are required to download both the copies (COMDEC and Candidate copy).

  • The downloaded copy of application form needs to be signed by the candidate (impressions of left thumb, left forefinger and left middle finger).

  • The candidates are then required to send the COMDEK Copy along with the auto generated Date of Birth certificate, one recent passport size photograph and the candidate’s Identity proof (photocopy of the ID proofs) in A4 Envelope only by speed post or courier on or before 22nd  March,  2018 (before 05.00 p.m.) at the following address:

Address :-

Executive Secretary-COMEDK,

 #132, 2nd Floor,11th Main Road,

17th Cross, Malleswaram,

Bangalore-560055, Karnataka

COMEDK Medical Exam Pattern & Syllabus


The syllabus for COMEDK Medical Exam 2018 consists of various subjects such as, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pathology and Forensic Medicine.

Exam Pattern

The COMEDK medical exam pattern is based on objective type multiple choices questions. The exam paper consists of 180 questions. The time allotted to solve these is 3 hours (180 minutes).

Instructions for candidates appearing COMDEK Medical Exam 2018

  • The candidates are required to mark the right answer of the question on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Answer sheet with pencil.

  • Each correct mark carries one mark and there is no negative marking for wrong answers attempted.

  • No mark(s) will be awarded for attempting more than one option for a single question.

COMEDK Medical Entrance Exams 2018 Preparation

COMDEK Medical Entrance Test is being conducted for determining the merit to be used for the COMEDK Member Institutions for the admission procedures and it is a must to appear the test in order to avail seats in these medical institutes.

Books to Study

  • Mudith Khanna (AIPGMEE)

  • Amith Ashish (AIMS MEDICAL)

  • Saumiya Shukla (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemestry)

  • Gobind Garg (Pharmacology)

Tips & Tricks for COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 Preparation

Plan before you begin: As there is a phrase commonly known ‘he who fails to plan, plans to fail’. Always make a plan of action before doing the real action. In preparing for the entrance exams also the candidates must have some planning done before they set for the preparation mode. Hard work is good, but the smart work results more effectively.

Identify your Weaknesses and strengths: Candidates appearing the COMEDK Medical entrance 2018 have to prepare the syllabus thoroughly as it carries a vast course structure. Candidates can plan the preparation by determining their weaker areas of the syllabus and work thoroughly on them. This is very important as this can help in turning the weakness into the strengths.

Practice Vigorously: Subjects like Mathematics Chemistry needs thorough practice. A similar looking problem can be framed in a much different manner and that can be very confusing and hence practice can make any sort of problem get solved with ease.

Do something Beyond Studies: Candidates mostly during these competitive exams get nervous and that result them in suffering with the results. The candidates are always advised to spend few hours every day on them along with the preparation ass to keep the mind and the body calm and focused. Also they need to take care of their diet and exercises. Ignoring fatty food and having nutritious food can also work wonders in preparation as the body also supports in the hard work.

Sample Papers

The COMEDK Medical Entrance sample papers are available online at askIITians, absolutely free. Candidates appearing can prepare by practicing these papers for the Medical Entrance.

COMEDK Medical Result 2018

The test scores of all the candidates appearing the COMEDK 2018 shall be published on the official website by 25th June 2018. For any clarification the candidates are required to connect with the authorities before the commencement of the counseling process.

COMEDK Medical Entrance Exam 2018 Counselling

The COMDEK PGET 2018 has declared the date of counseling procedure for the academic session 2018-19. The single window Centralized Counseling shall be organized for the selection procedure for PG Medical and Dental courses. Only two rounds of counseling will be organized and no further extension shall be provided as regulated by Honorable Supreme Court in notification [(2003)3.SCC366]. Candidates can check the website for the details of the counseling procedure on the COMDEK official website as well.

The first round of COMEDK PGET-2018 counseling shall be organized on 4th July 2018 and the second and final round of counseling shall take place on July 2018.

The counseling procedures commences at 8.00 am. The counseling procedure for COMDEK PGET 2018 shall take place at:

Address :-

NMKRV College

Mangala Mantapa,

3rd Block, Jayanagar, (near South End Circle),

Bangalore, 560011

Important instructions for candidates invited for the counseling procedures:

  • The presence of the candidate on the counseling date it a must, as the biometric and photo along with the signature verification shall be done without which the admission procedure shall not be complete.

  • The candidates are required to be present with their Rank Card downloaded and printed from the official website of COMDEK

  • The photo identity proof of the candidate is also mandatory to be produced at the time of counseling.

  • The candidates are also required to bring the tuition fees in the form of demand draft drawn on any of the Nationalizes banks with the TAT number on it payable to COMEDK at Bangalore. Without TAT number the DD will not be accepted.

  • All the original Documents with photocopies of them are to be brought as mentioned in the ‘Counseling process document’.

  • Certificate of Minority are also to be brought in case needed as mentioned in Annexure – II of the ‘Counseling process document’.

  • Candidates are also required to bring the Domicile/ Residential certificate as mentioned in Annexure – III of the ‘Counseling process document’.

  • Candidates are required to get the Confirmed Allotment Letter issued by the COMEDK.

  • The Eligibility Certificate has also to be shown as issued by the RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences)

  • For candidates not from RGUHS, they are required to bring the Transfer Certificate and the Migration Certificate issued by the Institution last studied.

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