Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS Common Entrance Test


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DR. D.Y. PATIL VIDYAPEETH Name of the Exam: Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth All India Common Entrance Test (DPU-AICET) 2019

Degrees Offered

  • MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) ‘

  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)


  • Dr D.Y.Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Pune

  • Dr D.Y.Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune

Information is provided for the first year entrance exam for undergraduate program for MBBS & BDS. It is an all-India examination and will be held at various centers across the country.

Exams Information

A synopsis of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS & BDS Exam information is given below,



Last Date of Application Submission

 Number 2018

Last Date of Application Submission with Late Fees

December 2019

Dispatch of Admit Cards

15th April, 2019

Entrance Exam

5th May 2019

Exam Centers

The DR. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS Entrance Exam will be held at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Indore, Kolkata, Lucknow, New Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, and Pune. Exam centers are chosen by candidates at the time of filling out applications.

  • City and address for the center of examination will be given on the Hall Ticket.

  • No request for change of center will be considered under any circumstances.

  • Candidates must bear all costs such as transportation, etc., to appear for the examination.

  • Timings of the exam are mentioned on the Hall Ticket and it is the responsibility of the candidate to reach the center on allotted date and time.

  • The Online Test Booking Password will be sent to the candidates e-mail ID given in the application form sufficiently in advance. University will not be responsible for non receipt of e-mail if the address given is incomplete or incorrect.

Course Information

The table below gives a summary of the course information for the MDPU Medical Exam to be held in May 2019.


Course Duration


Application Fees

Annual Fees for Indian Students

Annual Fees for FN.NRI/PIO


Four and a Half years followed by Compulsory one year rotator internship


Rs 500/

Rs. 8,25,000/-

US$ 30,000


Five Years


Rs 500/

Rs. 3,70,000/-

US$ 15,000

The fees mentioned above are the annual fees for the course. Additional charges and fees are also applicable

Eligibility Criteria


Candidates need to appear for the DPU-AICET 2019 to qualify.

Domicile and Age Eligibility

  • Candidate seeking admission to DPU should be an Indian citizen.

  • He/She must have attained 17 years of age at the time of admission or should complete 17 years of age on or before 31st December 2019 i.e. should have been born on or before 1st January 2001.

Academic Eligibility

The applicants should have passed the qualifying examinations in the manner mentioned below

  • The Higher Secondary Certificate/Indian School Certificate Examination/Central Board of Education Examination or an equivalent examination thereto comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and English.

  • The applicant must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying examination

  • Applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying examination

  • Applicants who have appeared or will be appearing in the qualifying examination in March / April 2019 and whose results have not yet been declared can also apply for admission, if other eligibility criteria are satisfied.

Entrance Examination Eligibility

General Category 

Admissions under this category shall be made on the basis of inter-se merit of the candidates qualified at AICET-2019. Candidates must secure 50% marks 100/200 at the DPU-AICET 2019 examination.

NRI/PIO/FN Category

Candidate under this category is not required to appear for AICET-2019. Admissions will be made on the basis of inter-se merit as determined by admission committee appointed for the purpose by the competent authority.

Foreign Students Eligibility

  • A candidate in any of these categories shall have completed 17 years of age on or before 31st December 2019 (i.e. having born before 1st Jan. 2001.) He / She must have Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English at the CBSE, ISC, HSC or an equivalent examination.

  • In the case of a student from any school that follows the American system of education, the candidate must have studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology at 'AP' (Advanced Placement) level and must have minimum 'C 'grade in these subjects.

  • In the case of students passing Cambridge International Examination (CIE) the candidate should have passed Physics, Chemistry and Biology at “Advanced” level along with English at “Advanced Subsidiary” (AS) level.


Online Application

For online application forms, candidates can download the form from the University website.

Physical Purchase of Application Form

Prospectus for PIMS-AICET Medical Exam 2019 can be purchased from the University Admission Office.

If you are requesting the prospectus via post then you need to send a DD. A sample application form can be seen here.

Filling out Application Form

  • Read the prospectus and the instruction carefully.

  • The candidate should acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling up the application on-line as well as submission of application.

  • Incomplete application, application with false details or application form not accompanied by a demand draft would be rejected.

  • Preserve the Fee Receipt and Admit Card carefully and bring the same to the Test hall and produce it on demand. Use only black/blue ball point pen or 2B pencil for marking responses (answers), and black/blue ball point pen for all other entries

  • Note that issue of Admit Card is just a provision for appearing in AICET-2019 and does not imply that the candidate is eligible for admission

For further details on instructions for filling out the application form, click here.

Submission of Application Form

Application may be submitted personally or mailed (by registered post/speed post/courier) to

Address : -

The Registrar,

 Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth,

Sant Tukaram Nagar,


Pune – 411018.

Official website : – http://www.dpu.edu.in/

The application shall be accompanied by a Demand Draft of the amount of the test fee (i.e. Rs. 2600/- or Rs. 2850/- as the case may be), drawn on any nationalized bank and payable at Pune. 

Those who submit the application in person may pay the test fee either by a DD or in cash. The candidate is advised to obtain and maintain proof of demand draft and dispatch of the application form. This may be useful for obtaining duplicate admit card, if required

  • The application must reach the University on or before the last date mentioned.

  • The University shall not be responsible for any delay or loss of the application / admit card / or any other communication in transit. Such a delay shall not be condoned.

For more information related to DPU-AICET MBBS Entrance Exam 2019, please call the competent authority at 00-91-20-27420069 or mail at info@dpu.edu.in

Admit Cards

The Admit Card for DPU-AICET - 2019 shall be dispatched by courier or by post to the candidate under certificate of posting.

  • The admit card will indicate the seat number, the examination centre (with its address) allotted to the candidate.

  • The candidate shall not mutilate the admit card or change any entry made therein after it has been authenticated by the University authorities.

  • Contact the Controller of Examinations of the Vidyapeeth for duplicate Admit Card, in case the Admit Card is not received a week before the Test.

  • Obtain duplicate Admit Card from the centre in charge, on the previous day of commencement of Test, in case of loss or non receipt of Admit Card.

Syllabus & Pattern for DPU – AICET 2019


The syllabus for the common entrance tests (unless otherwise specified) for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English will be based on syllabus followed by 10+2 Boards/Universities. 

Exam Pattern

The DPU-AICET Entrance Exam 2019 will be for three hours i.e. 180 minutes. It will be conducted in English and shall carry 200 multiple choice questions from Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.

Breakup per subject is provided below.


No of Questions









Appearing for the DPU-AICET 2019

It is advisable that the candidate report 30 minutes before the start of the exam at the center mentioned on the admit card. The candidate shall not be allowed to appear for the Test if he/she reaches the Test hall after 11.30 a.m. OMR booklets will be used to record answers.

  • Read each question carefully before choosing the correct answer.

  • Select the answer only if you are sure of the answer and darken circle accordingly.

  • Carry extra pencils, erasers and sharpeners. Remember scratching or tick marking or marking more than one answer will result in no marks.

  • If you do want to erase an answer remember on his/her answer sheet, he/she must erase completely the existing pencil mark and then darken the appropriate circle with HB pencil. Remember not to leave any mark on the answer sheet or to cause a tear.

  • Candidates are advised to go through the Mock Test for various MBBS & BDS Entrance Examination – 2019.

DR. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS & BDS Online Entrance Exams Preparation

DR. D.Y. PATIL VIDYAPEETH MBBS & BDS ALL INDIA ENTRANCE TEST 2019 is a highly popular medical programme. The key to appear for this paper is to relax and study each concept carefully and thoroughly. You can opt for MBBS online coaching to be more thoroughly prepared.

Join coaching institute such as askIITians that will guide you on the correct way to study for all Indian medical entrance exam 2019. They have the experience and the knowledge to mentor you on important topics, exam preparation methods and books that you should refer to while preparing.

Here is a list of suggested books that can help you perform well in MBBS Entrance Exams 2019.

Books to Study




NCERT Physics Part I & Part II

NCERT Chemistry Part I & Part II

NCERT Biology

Complete NEET (AIPMT) Guide Physics for AIMPT 2019

Complete NEET (AIPMT) Guide Chemistry for AIMPT 2019

Complete NEET (AIPMT) Guide Biology for AIMPT 2019

Physics Vol 1 & Vol 2 by David Haliday and Resnick (For Basic Concepts)

Objective NCERT at your Fingertips – Chemistry

 NCERT Extract – Objective Biology for Class 11th & 12th

Advanced Level Physics (Nelkon & Parker)

Objective Chemistry Vol 1 & Vol 2 for NEET and other Medical Entrance Examinations

Objective Biology Vol 1 & Vol 2 for NEET and other Medical Entrance Examinations

HC Verma for Physics

ABC Chemistry

AC Dutta for Botany


General Zoology – Strore and Usurger

 Apart from the books mentioned above, study packages, guides and CDs for Medical Entrance Exams 2019 by established publishers should also be considered. Visit sites such as flipkart, amazon and infibeam for deals.

Tips & Tricks for Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth  Medical Exam Preparation

  • Become Exam Proficient: Become an expert on everything related to your DPU-AICET 2019 exam, be it the syllabus, the pattern and probability of questions. Make sure to go through previous year question papers. Apart from your school teachers and medical online coaching will guide you on the important questions or topics and prepare them thoroughly.

  • Know Thyself: Knowing your own strengths and weakness is one of the most important aspects to be successful. Appear for mock exams to know your preparation status. Enhance your strengths and improve upon your weaker spots to be the best at your medical entrance exam syllabus.

  • Set A Time Table: A daily and weekly time table gives you clear cut goals, Be sure to allot time to each subject. Create small term and long term goals for medical exam syllabus 2019. Each topic can be subdivided to make it easier to understand and remember, Practice and revise continuously.

  • Keep Your Notes Handy: Prepare crisp notes or visual maps for each topic. Ensure that all your notes are kept in a neat and orderly fashion. You do not want to waste time looking for notes on topics you wish to revise all India medical exam study material.

  • Schedule an Exam a Day: Schedule one sample or previous year’s exam in your daily routine. There are several questionnaires available on the net. Check the answers and revise your doubts and mistakes.

  • Turn to Experts (Teachers & Counselors) and Friends for Assistance: This is not the time to be shy or nervous. When in doubt call, mail or simply walk into the offices of people you consider expert in the field of your study. Ask them for help, even if the questions seem silly to you. Chances are the experts will be all too happy to help you ace your MBBS 2019 online entrance exams.

  • Learn to Relax & Be Positive: You are bound to feel nervous while preparing for or appearing for DPU-AICET exam. One of the most important tricks is to learn to relax and keep a positive attitude. Getting nervous or jittery will cause you to make mistakes and cause you to press a wrong button. Take a deep breath whenever you feel overwhelmed, nervous or jittery.

Sample Papers

Dr.. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Entrance MBBS & BDS previous years papers are also made available at askIITians.com, absolutely free.

Check your answers against solutions provided for previous years Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS & BDS all India Common Entrance Exams as well as the Sample Question Papers provided

Attempting Sample Papers for Practice

It is imperative that you practice all of them repeatedly to build up both speed and precision. Revision of all topics along with your paper solving abilities will definitely impact your chances of selection. Also you need to be able to click on the submit button and not anything else.

  • Attempt all previous year papers in allotted time. Solving papers will build up speed and accuracy.

  • Check your answers after you finish an exam. Don’t be lenient in your marking. Your entrance test ranking determines your counseling session.

  • While attempting the paper try and gauge the topics that are most important.

  • Understand the type and level of questions that are repeated over the years and focus on becoming proficient in them. Check out analysis section to know the level of difficulty that you will be facing.


Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth MBBS and BDS all India common entrance result will be based on merit. Merit list of candidates will be displayed on the Vidyapeeth notice board and published on the website. Students should note that no changes or adjustments shall be made in the admission schedule mentioned above.


Once the results have been declared, students will once again have to visit the University website to learn about the day they have been called for counseling. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility requirements as stated in the prospectus.

 Given below are the counseling schedules according to merit rank.

Candidates called for Spot Admission


Candidates Called for Spot On Admission


1st Day

Merit Nos.001 to 100

9.00 a.m. onwards

2nd Day

Merit Nos.101 to 200

9.00 a.m. onwards

3rd Day

Merit Nos. 201 to 350

9.00 a.m. onwards

4th Day

Merit Nos. 351 to 550

9.00 a.m. onwards

5th Day

Merit Nos. 551 to 1000

9.00 a.m. onwards

  • Physical presence of the candidate is mandatory. If a candidate is prevented by unavoidable circumstances from being physically present for the counseling he/she may authorize another individual to represent him/her at the counseling.  This representative must carry the letter of authorization

  • Candidates will be required to attend Counseling and Medical Examination at the Institute at their own cost on the notified date.

  • Absence of the candidate or his/her representative at the indicated reporting time and date will result in the instantaneous forfeiture of any claim for a seat.

  • The appearance at AICET-2019 and inclusion of name in the merit list do not necessarily mean that candidate shall get admission to the course. Admission to the course shall depend upon the availability of seat at the time of turn for admission.

  • At the time of counseling, candidates have to produce all documents as stipulated and other terms and conditions as stated therein.

Admissions made at the admission sessions are provisional, subject to verification of eligibility by the Vidyapeeth.

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