Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute

Mahatma Gandhi Medical CollegeDegrees Offered:

  • Bachelor of Medical and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Colleges Participating

  • Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute

  • Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute

  • Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Exam Information

This exam helps gain admission into MBBS courses for the colleges participating

Here is a brief synopsis of the important dates for the examination



Last date for receiving application

20th March 2015

Last date for online applications

22nd December 2014 to 7th March 2015

Entrance Exam

19th April 2015

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Exam 2015 Centers

The exam centers for the Medical entrance exam include Puducherry, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkatta, and Bangalore

  • It is important to fill out your entrance exam center preference while filling out the form

  • Make sure you have filled out both the preference one and two in the order you wish to be followed in the form

  • Once the entrance exam center has been allotted, it will not be changed under any circumstances

  • Only with valid permissions, and under absolutely valid circumstances will a change be considered, if any

  • The exam center preference one if full, then the candidate will be allotted the center preference number two

  • The institute has the right to cancel any exam center in case of unforeseen circumstances like natural calamities, riots, or in case the paper of the exam center has been leaked

MGMCRI CET 2015 Course Information

The candidates were able to gain admission to MBBS courses in the participating colleges through this entrance test. The total intake for this course was 150. The course duration is of four and a half years.

MGMCRI CET 2015 Eligibility Criteria


  • The candidate appearing for the MBBS entrance exam should have passed their 12th grade exams with a minimum of 50% from either the state or equivalent board.

  • In case they have not given their 12th grade exams, they should have passed an equivalent course or grade to be qualified for this entrance examination

  • A minimum of 50% overall, and 50% individually in Physics, Biology and Chemistry is required to be eligible to take this exam

  • In case the candidates have not taken a course equivalent to the 12th grade examination, they may need to train themselves in pre professional courses before applying for the examination

  • Passing in English is mandatory to be eligible for this examination

  • It is also important to have passed the practical examinations for Physics, Chemistry and Biology

  • In case the candidate has just appeared for the examination and is awaiting the result, he/she is eligible to appear for the exam

  • In case the candidate fails to pass the examination after having appeared for the entrance exam, his/her candidature will be disqualified

  • In case of passing through reevaluation, the candidate might be reinstated and would be considered for the course

Age & Domicile

  • The candidate must attain 17 years of age on or before 31st  December of the year of admission.

  • The candidate should be of Indian origin, and should have completed their schooling in India to be eligible for this course

Eligibility for Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Entrance Exam

It is important that the candidate appearing for the entrance exam has qualified through merit to go ahead with the counseling process. In case the candidate’s name does not appear in the merit list, his candidature would not be considered for the further procedures

MGMCRI CET 2015 Brochures

In case you wish to know more about the colleges affiliated with this entrance examination, it is important that you go through the brochures available on the website of the college. This would help you understand the college and the available facilities in depth.

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Entrance Exam 2015 Application Form

  • The candidates interested in taking up the MBBS courses at MGMCRI and affiliated colleges need to submit their duly filled application form at the college.

  • The candidates interested in the examination should fill out the application forms either online/offline and send it across to the college via post.

  • One can purchase the application form along with the information brochure from the college or download it from

  • In case you have downloaded the form from the website, you will need to submit the form along with a demand draft of 1500/- payable for the application form and information brochure

  • You can purchase the application form from the college office at Puducherry or Chennai for 1500/-

  • The demand draft should be in favor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University which payable at Puducherry.

Filling out the Form

  • It is important that you send in duly filled form latest by 5pm on 20th  March 2015. Any form received after that will not be considered for candidature

  • Make sure you fill in all the details to the best of your knowledge. Any detail that is wrongly filled will result in rejection of candidature

  • If possible fill out the details in a photocopied version of the original document. This will help you minimize the errors. Any kind of striking, other than in the places requested, might result in rejection of candidature

  • Make sure you fill out the whole form in capital letters

  • Write your full name within the block provided to your. Make sure you write your name, middle name and surname in the same order

  • Strike out the gender that is not applicable to you

  • Fill out details about your course, the kind of course you are planning to enter into

  • Nationality is important for the candidature. Age is also very important. Make sure you enter both the details as mentioned on your birth certificate

  • A valid signature that is generally used by you should be present at the end of the form

  • This is your declaration that all the information is to the best of your knowledge

  • Your signature should match the one present on any photo identity proof

  • Make sure you paste a recent photograph

Documents Required

No documents need to be sent along with the duly filled application form. Keep a photocopy of the filled out application form in case you need it for any emergency.

Make sure you send in a DD of the payable amount in case you are sending an application form that was downloaded and filled out online. The amount payable would be 1500/- in favor of the MGMCRI college payable at Puducherry.

Send it by regular post and not by courier or other services.

MGMCRI CET 2015 Admit Cards

The admit cards would be received on or before June 2015. One can download the admit cards from the website

The admit card that is downloaded would contain the following details:

  • Venue of the entrance exam

  • Photograph

  • Name and other identity details

No candidate would be allowed to appear for the entrance examination without the admit cards. In case the candidate fails to receive the admit card on the said date, one needs to contact the college or write to the secretary SBVDUMCET 2015 to issue duplicate admit cards using which the candidate can appear in the MCET 2015 to issue duplicate admit cards using which the candidate can appear in the examination. When writing the letter for duplicate admit card, the candidate will need to send in two passport size photos and photocopy of the application form as proof.

MGMCRI CET 2015 Syllabus

This is an objective sort of exam which consists of questions on Chemistry, Physics, Zoology and Botany.


  • Mechanics

  • Simple harmonic motion

  • Rotational motion

  • Wave motion

  • Gravitation

  • Sound

  • Kinematics

  • Astronomy

  • Superimposition of waves

  • Nature of light

  • Interference of light waves

  • Diffraction and polarization

  • Radiation

  • Nuclear physics

  • Electricity and electromagnetic induction

  • Properties of matter electronics



  • Fundamental concepts of atomic structure

  • Periodic classification

  • Chemical bonding

  • Acids and bases

  • Stoichiometry

  • Chemical equilibrium

  • Chemical thermodynamics

  • Chemical kinetics


  • Surface chemistry

  • Electro chemistry

  • Chemistry of non metals

  • Chemistry of metals

  • Organic chemistry

  • Natural products of applied chemistry


  • Vegetative morphology

  • Taxonomy

  • Anatomy

  • Genetics physiology

  • Ecology


  • Cell biology

  • Human physiology

  • Genetics

  • Gene mutation

  • Fertilization

  • Environment in relation to human welfare

  • Vector borne diseases

Reference books would include

  • Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips - Biology : Boost Your NEET (AIPMT) Score! By MTG editorial board

  • AIIMS Chapterwise Solutions Physics, Chemistry, Biology : 20 Years

  • Biology of NEET (AIPMT), CBSE and NEET

  • Chemistry of NEET (AIPMT), CBSE and NEET

  • Complete NEET (AIPMT) guide

  • Formulae at finger tips for Physics

  • Chapterwise Topicwise Questions - Solutions Physics for Medical Entrances

  • Biology @ Your Fingertips: A Complete Guide for the Medical Entrance Examinations 

Tips to Crack the MGMCRI CET Medical Exam

It is important to note that medical entrance exams can be quite a trying task. It is important to prepare all the topics as well as possible before even beginning to appear for the mock tests. Here are some tips that would help you stay prepared for the medical entrance examination.

Note the Syllabus

Before you actually begin studying for the entrance, it is important that you see what all you have to study. Make a complete note of all the topics you have to study in the individual subjects

Topics Division

Divide your whole day into the various topics you are planning to cover. If you have close to 100 days left for the entrance, begin by dividing the first few days into each topic and cover maximum within the first few days. Make notes while you are preparing each topic. Notes are always helpful

Refer to Old Papers

Before you actually begin studying, refer to the mock tests and actual entrance exam papers of the past ten years. You will get a good idea of all the topics that have been visited on a regular basis. This is your best bet on preparing for the entrance exam. Make sure you list out important topics

Revision Time

A few days before your exam, you should have a revision time table in place. This revision should include all the possible topics that you need to revise. Make sure you have got revision notes and a time table too

Mock Tests

Writing a mock test like an actual exam helps you schedule your entrance test. Make sure you take your mock tests pretty seriously. It is important to have the speed and accuracy during the mock tests. Have a mock test time table in place

Work on Weaknesses

When writing a mock paper, you would realize the areas where you are weak. Before the actual entrance exam, it is necessary that you work well on the areas that are considered to be weak. Make them your strong areas.

Plan should be sensible. Don’t plan for the sake of planning. Include recreation and fun time too which will help you relax.


The result for this entrance exam would be declared on 19th April 2015. To know the results you should log into the website:

MGMCRI CET Counseling

The counseling procedure was scheduled for June  2015. It has been rescheduled and the new dates are yet to be announced.

85% of the seats will be allotted to the general category based on merit list

15% will be allotted to NRI/POI/FN categories


  • The candidates who secured 50% marks in the entrance exam would be eligible for the counseling process

  • Merit based ranking would be allotted based on which the counseling procedure would occur

  • Based on the candidate’s personal appearance the seats would be allotted

  • The candidates will have the final right to choose the seat allotted to them

  • All certificates, original and photocopy, should be submitted at the time of counseling

Documents to be produced

  • MGMCRI CET admit card

  • Mark sheet of the entrance exam

  • Proof of nationality

  • School leaving certificate

  • Migration certificate, if applicable

  • 10th and 12th mark sheets and passing certificates

  • Medical fitness certificate

  • Recent passport size photographs

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