NTSE Important Dates 2022


The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) postponed the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Stage 2 exam 2021, which was to be held on June 13 last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will now be held on June 12, 2022.

While NTSE 2022-2023 exam dates have not been announced yet, we will present you with a general scheme of things to give you an idea of when to be on the lookout for important NTSE announcements.


NTSE Stage 1 Exam Dates


Stage 1 of the NTSE is a state-level examination, which has two papers:

  • Paper-I Mental Ability Test (MAT), and

  • Paper-II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

Both the papers are conducted on the same day. The registration of the NTSE Stage 1 application form usually starts in October 2021 and the last date differs from state to state. Its admit card is released in December or January.

In all the States and Union Territories, NTSE Stage 1 exam is conducted on the first Sunday of November, except for Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands where it is conducted on the first Saturday of November.

  • MAT is conducted from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.

  • SAT is conducted from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Visually challenged students are granted half an hour extra in each paper to complete it.

Students can check the NTSE Answer Keys online within 7 days of the examination. The NTSE Stage 1 exam result is declared in January or February by respective States or UTs.


The actual dates for the exams may change according to prevalent circumstances. Class X students are advised to keep an eye on newspaper advertisements issued by the state/UT and school circulars for the NTSE Stage 1 exam registration date, exam date, and result date.


NTSE Stage 2 Exam Dates


Stage 2 of the NTSE is a national-level examination, which has two papers:

  • Paper-I Mental Ability Test (MAT), and

  • Paper-II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

Both the papers are conducted on the same day. In all the States and Union Territories, NTSE Stage 2 exam is conducted on the second Sunday of May.

  • MAT is conducted from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.

  • SAT is conducted from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Visually challenged students are granted half an hour extra in each paper to complete it.

Students must download E-Admit cards or admission letters for the second level examination from the NCERT website at least 21 days before the exam. It mentions the exam venue, roll number of the student and date and time of the test. If students want to apply for a change of an examination centre, they have to do it within 15 days of downloading their E-Admit Card and at least 21 days before the examination.

The selected candidates will be informed by registered letter and through the NCERT website. While no definite date for NTSE Stage 2 exam result is mentioned in the information brochure, the results are usually declared by October every year.


The actual dates for the exams may change according to prevalent circumstances. Class X students are advised to keep an eye on newspaper advertisements issued by the NCERT for the NTSE Stage 2 exam registration date, exam date, and result date.


When should you start your NTSE exam preparation?


NTSE preparation should ideally start from the beginning of Class X. However, if you have not started yet, there is no need to worry. You can still begin your preparation with earnestness and dedication and perform well in the examination.

AskIITians NTSE tutors the following study plan if you are aiming for NTSE scholarships in Class X:


NTSE Study Plan for Class X students


Given below is a suggested 3-day study plan for NTSE Class X students who have not started their preparation yet. Keep repeating this plan until September:

Day 1: MAT

Start with solving puzzles and riddles to sharpen your mental ability.

You can begin with simple lateral thinking puzzles and work your way up to more complex ones. Once you get comfortable with solving puzzles, move on to quantitative aptitude questions.

Practice 30-40 questions every day on a variety of topics like time and distance, time and work, percentage, etc.


Day 2: SAT

On this day, revise the topics you have studied in Class IX and X. You can start with one topic and move on to the next one once you are confident about the first one.

Make sure that you revise all the important topics from each subject.


Day 3: Language

Choose any two sections from your English Language textbook and solve the questions given under each section.

Focus on solving the questions correctly rather than solving them quickly.

You can also solve previous years’ question papers to get an idea of the type of questions that are asked in the exam.

We hope this article on NTSE Important Dates 2022 was informative for all the Class X students who will be appearing for the NTSE Stage 1 and Stage 2 exams next year. All the best!


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. When is the NTSE Stage 1 exam conducted in 2022?

The NTSE Stage 1 exam is scheduled to be conducted on the first Sunday of November every year. The actual exam date for NTSE Stage 1 2022 exam has not been announced yet. NTSE Stage 2 exam 2021 was postponed and will not be conducted on June 12, 2022.

  1. What is the exam pattern for NTSE Stage 1 & 2 exams?

The exam pattern for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 exams is the same. The examination consists of two papers – Paper-I (Mental Ability Test) and Paper-II (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Both these papers are conducted on the same day, in two separate sessions.

  1. What are the eligibility criteria for appearing for the NTSE exam?

The eligibility criteria for the NTSE exam are as follows:

  • Students must be studying in Class X from a recognised school.
  • They must be citizens of India.
  • They should have secured at least 60% marks in Class IX examinations.


  1. What is the syllabus for NTSE Stage 1 & 2 exams?

NCERT does not specify any syllabus for the NTSE exam. However, for all practical purposes, the syllabus for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 exams is the same. It covers topics from Class IX and X NCERT textbooks.

  1. What are the benefits of qualifying NTSE exam?

The main benefit of qualifying for the NTSE exam is that it provides financial assistance in the form of scholarships to Class X students. These scholarships can be used by the students to pursue their studies up to the doctoral degree level. Besides this, NTSE also provides a platform for talented students to showcase their abilities.

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