Solved Examples on Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Question1: Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in [CBSE PMT’2012 S]

(a) Papaya

(b) Cucumber

(c) Castor

(d) Maize

Answer: a


Papaya is dioecious i.e. male and female flowers occurs in separate plants so that it prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy (method of self pollination).

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Question2: Wind pollination is common in [CBSE PMT’2011]

(a) Legumes

(b) Lilies

(c) Grasses

(d) Orchids

Answer: c


Wind pollination is common in grasses. Grasses produce large amount of pollen which reach to opposite sex for reproduction by the help of wind.

Question3: In which one of the following pollination is autogamous? [CBSE PMT’2011]

(a) Geitonogamy

(b) Xenogamy

(c) Chasmogamy

(d) Cleistogamy

Answer: d


Cleistogamy is autogamous pollination. When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud, it is known as cleistogamy. It ensures self-pollination and prevents cross-pollination.