CBSE Class XII: How to Score 90 Plus in all the Subjects

How to Score 90 Plus in all the SubjectsSo, your goal is to score 90+ in all subjects in CBSE Class XII. Great! Nearly every student dreams of scoring such high marks at the board exams, but only a few manage to achieve this feat. Therefore, it is time to separate the grain from the chaff. This goal is not for the faint-hearted.

To score more than 90% in CBSE Class XII, you need to be extremely focused. What you need is not a stringent timetable but effective time management.

Lifestyle and Study Hours

Lifestyle and Study HoursFirstly, don’t compromise on your health. Get sufficient sleep and eat a wholesome, nutritious, and balanced diet. A relaxed mind and healthy, fresh food are vital if you have to retain what you have studied. Allocate a minimum of 10 hours per day for devoted and dedicated study.


Self-IntrospectionDo some self-introspection to know your weaknesses and strengths. Give more importance to those subjects that you are weak in. However, make it a point not to ignore any subject because it can lower your overall percentage.

Regular Breaks

If you fail to retain your study material, there is no point spending hours in front of books. Avoid studying continuously for long stretches of time and take regular breaks every hour or two.

Sample Pampers

Solve all three CBSE class 12th ? sample papers efficiently and thoroughly. Solve each paper within a three-hour timeframe. Later, you can check the answers. Have a fair idea about the marks you have obtained by also taking into consideration step-marking.

We will now look at how to prepare for individual subjects.


  • Be clear with the basic concepts

  • Be ready for any circuit diagram from the “electricity” section

  • Allocate more time to challenging sections

  • Practice derivatives and diagrams thoroughly because they are challenging

  • Applied numericals, in comparison, are simpler. Hence, find short methods to solve them to save on time


  • Have an in-depth study of NCERT textbooks. If you perform this task well, scoring 90+ is well within reach

  • Solve a plethora of CBSE sample exam papers

  • Focus on your problem areas

  • Physical chemistry numericals can be cracked with ease; however focus again on the numerical questions given in the NCERT textbook

  • You should practice main reactions, conversions, and logic questions nearly five times a day on an average


  • MATHEMATICSFor effective revision of syllabus, solve sample papers

  • Divide the entire syllabus into numerous sections. Devote nearly three days for revision of each section in a thorough manner. On the fourth day, you should attempt the sample paper. In this manner, you are able to simultaneously revise the whole syllabus as well as solve the sample papers.

  • Carry out a thorough study of NCERT textbooks. From then on, you can switch to reference books. NCERT books are not difficult and are indispensable when it comes to clarifying concepts.

Scoring 90+ in all subjects in CBSE Class XII is definitely not a piece of cake. You need to be diligent, persevering and hardworking. With the help of the above tips, success will definitely be within your reach.

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