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The College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai, is one of the four colleges that come under the Anna University. It was started in May 1794 as a School of Survey with only 8 boys as students. It went on to be established as a college under the Madras University in 1859. It is the oldest technical institute in India ranking it amongst the world’s oldest technical institute. In 1894 the institute introduced B.E. Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering in 1930, Telecommunication and Highway Engineering in 1945 and Printing Technology in 1983. The institute was the first in South India to open a Computer Centre in the year 1963.The school has over the years managed to become India’s largest technological University with over 4 lakh students under its wings.
The campus is spread over an area of 150 acres having many heritage and modern buildings with the latest of facilities. The campus is also full of green environment setting which gives the feeling of healthy, young, energetic and dynamic to pursue academic, research, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the campus.
The campus facilities are utilized by a population of about 2200 (1800 hostel residents and 400 family members of employees) and by a floating population of more than 10,000 (Day-scholars, Part-time students, Employees and other visitors), daily.
1. Faculty of Civil Engineering:
Department of Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering Division
Centre for Environment Studies
Centre for Water Resources
Division of Urban Systems Development
Institute of Ocean Management
Institute of Remote Sensing
Division of Soil mechanics and Foundation Management
Centre for disaster mitigation management
Building Technology Centre
2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Printing Technology
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Institute of Energy Studies
Department of Mining Engineering
Manufacturing Systems Management
Department of Industrial Engineering
3. Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Power System Engineering
High Voltage Engineering
4. Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Centre for Medical Electronics
Ramanujan Computing Centre
5. Faculty of Management Sciences
Department of Management Studies
6. Faculty of Science and Humanities
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Geology
Department of Media Sciences
Education Multimedia Research Centre
Audio Visual Research Centre
AU-TVS Center for Quality Management
AU-FRG Institute for CAD/CAM
Centre for University Industry Collaboration
Training Center for Career Advancement
Centre for Engineering Partnership
Centre for Women Empowerment
Centre for Entrepreneurship Development
Centre for Faculty Development
Centre for Professional Development Education
Curriculum Development Centre
Health Centre
Logistic Centre
Ramanujan Computing Centre
Anna University Patriotic and People Oriented Science and Technology Centre
Kurukshetra - the Battle of Brains, was started from 2007 by the students of CEG to conduct a National level technical festival which is multi-disciplinary in dimension. Also every year in February, CEG plays host to Techofes, an eagerly anticipated and keenly contested five-day inter-college cultural festival. During the months of January to March, various departments of the college conduct individual technical symposia. Notable among those are: Pinnacle, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Surang, , organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, Manusys, organized by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Indcon, organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering, aBaCUS, conducted by the Department of Computer Science, Vision, conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Waves, of the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civilization, by the Civil Engineering Department, GEOHORIZON'08, organized by the Society of Geo informatics Engineers, Imprint conducted by Department of Printing Technology, and Colloquium conducted by the department of Mathematics.
Along the years there has been an impressive line of alumnus, notable among them were:
Professor Rammohan Rao (Presently Dean of ISB)
Krishnamachari Srikanth (Former cricketer)
Srinivasan Venkataraghavan (Former cricketer and International Umpire)
T.S.Kuppuswamy (Chief General Manager BSNL)
K.Sridhara (Member Technology & Ex Officio Secretary, Dept Of Telecommunications)
Air Marshal R Ramamurthy Air Officer Commanding in Chief Maintenance command Indian Air Force
Sanjay Parthasarathy (VP, Developer & Platform Evangelism Group, Microsoft)
S Somasegar (VP, Developer division, Microsoft)
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