
Hi, I am a student of class 11 th . I will soon be in class 12 th . My question to you is what should i do for the preperation of JEE MAINS. Do i need any special coaching along with my cbse classes. My main focus is on JEE MAINS. Please guide. Regards, Shiva

I am a student of class 11th. I will soon be in class 12th. My question to you is what should i do for the preperation of JEE MAINS. Do i need any special coaching along with my cbse classes. My main focus is on JEE MAINS. Please guide.


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear student
You don't have to things more special for JEE Mains. You cann buy a material (solved) to add a special layer. However NCERT is must
908 Points
4 years ago
my opinion is that coaching is not nessary but you should solve some good problemfrom coaching institution notes

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