
CAN U PLS TELL ME THE WATER POTENTIAL OF DIFF CELLS i.e, palsmolysed flaccid, turgid e.t.c pls make it fast .

CAN U PLS TELL ME THE WATER POTENTIAL OF DIFF CELLS i.e, palsmolysed flaccid, turgid e.t.c pls make it fast .

Grade:12th Pass

2 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Water potential is the potential energy of water per unit volume relative to pure water in reference conditions. Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis, gravity, mechanical pressure, or matrix effects such as capillary action.
Water potential of fully turgid cell is zero
Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
5 years ago
Water potential depends upon pressure potential and solute potential.The value of pressure potential is equal to the value of turgor pressure.
Pressure potential is negative in a plasmolysed cell, positive for a turgid cell andzero for a flaccid cell.
Water potential is zero in fully turgid cell. Flaccid cell has less negative water potential and plasmolysed cell has more negative water potential.

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