
For the previous years question papers why are there 2 shifts? Can you please explain me the entire scheme of the wat you have posted the past papers?

For the previous years question papers why are there 2 shifts?
Can you please explain me the entire scheme of the wat you have posted the past papers?


3 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear student
JEE Mains exam happened in 2 shifts each day.
Also JEE advanced also happened in 2 shifts
908 Points
4 years ago
because of inavailability of systems it was a problem to held exam in a single shift
so they divided it in two shift a day
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
This is because of unavailablity of soo much exam slots at one time, So they divide students in two sessions .
Good LUCK 

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