
is IIT Bhubneswar good college? Also, is it good for CS Bachelors?

is IIT Bhubneswar  good college? Also, is it good for CS Bachelors?


3 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear student
Yes IIT Bhuvneshwar is one of those IITs who nadd his its impressive in very early stage.
Yes CS is good and package from this college is very good in recent years
908 Points
4 years ago
i think iit bhuvneshvar is a fast growing iit it has a good environment some of my friends who studied in bhvneshvarare on good posts
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
wherever you can get cs branch in Government college . Please do not leave that, it is awesome.

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