
omit θ ,from the following relations: a tan θ + b cot 2 θ = c and a cot θ − b tan 2 θ = c .

omit θ ,from the following relations: a tan θ + b cot 2 θ = c and a cot θ − b tan 2 θ = c .

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2 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student

Put cot2θ= 1/tan2θand cotθ=1/tanθ

Then eliminate tanθand tan2θfrom 2 equations
Anirban Adhikary
12 Points
3 years ago
Can anyone make it done and write the solution..i am unable to do.Truied this with different ways..but unable to do. It would be very helpful if someone provide the solution of this

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