
A particle starts from wave motion and has a time period T. If it completes 5/8 oscillations time taken is?

A particle starts from wave motion and has a time period T. If it completes 5/8 oscillations time taken is?

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2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Total distance covered by the particle=4A.
we divide this whole path in 8 intervals of A/2.
so, 5/8 oscillations means, it has already completed1/2 oscillation(i.e. total dist. = 2A) and is half way to the other side i.e. A/2.
so,A/2=Asinwt,w=2pi/T ,
substitute to get t=T/12.
now, total time taken = time to complete previous one half(2A) + time taken to completeA/2=t/2+t/12=7T/12.
Hence option B is correct
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Starting from mean position, time taken by it to complete 5/8 oscillations, is. Total distance covered by the particle=4A. we divide this whole path in 8 intervals of A/2. so, 5/8 oscillations means, it has already completed1/2 oscillation

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