
Please do explain me table 5.3 of ncert regarding genes and chromosomes and whether it is true for all the conditions of gene and chromosome

Please do explain me table 5.3 of ncert regarding genes and chromosomes and whether it is true for all the conditions of gene and chromosome


5 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
6 years ago
The table depicts the similarity between chrmomosome and genes as genes are located on chromosomes. In table the A is for chromosome and B is for gene. In the table first two points are same for both gene and chromosome. Both occur in pair. It is the pairing and segregation of the pair of chromosomes that leads to segregation of the pair of factor.
Abhishek Rajput
15 Points
5 years ago
Answer is Column A -Gene and Chromosome both Coloumn B -Chromosome.
It is because the 3rd statement in coloumn A talks about independent pair.The word independent has to be used for genes only as Chromosomes are always independent but genes when shows Linkage aren't independent.So coloumn A holds good for both Gene and Chromosome but when it comes to coloumn B only Chromosome is possible.One gene need not be separated from other independently when they are linked on same chromosome.
Hope this is helpful.
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
3 years ago
 statement in coloumn A talks about independent pair.The word independent has to be used for genes only as Chromosomes are always independent but genes when shows Linkage aren't independent.So coloumn A holds good for both Gene and Chromosome but when it comes to coloumn B only Chromosome is possible.One gene need not be separated from other independently when they are linked on same chromosome.rdIt is because the 3
13 Points
2 years ago
Because of similarity in pairing and inheritance of gene and chromosome are quite same but the one pair of  chromosome independent to the other pair of chromosome while in case of Gene  one pair is only independent to the another one pair not by all pairs so the A is for chromosome and B for gene.
Ritika singh
15 Points
one year ago
Because pf similarly in both .gene and chromosomes are same but one pair of chromosomes independent to the other pair of chromosomes. Gene 🧬 one pair is independently to the other pair . i.e., is chromosomes and B is gene 

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