
Botanical name of tomato is: A. Allium cepa B. Solanum tuberosum C. Saccharum officinarum D. Lycopersicon esculentum

Botanical name of tomato is:
A. Allium cepa
B. Solanum tuberosum
C. Saccharum officinarum
D. Lycopersicon esculentum

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
Our expert is working on this Class XI Science answer. We will update the answer very soon.
Jayesh Vashishtha
askIITians Faculty 1450 Points
2 years ago
Dear student,
Lycopersicon is a genus in the flowering plant family Solanaceae. The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry.
The onion (Allium cepa), also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is used as a vegetable and is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium.
The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial nightshade, Solanum tuberosum. The word "potato" may refer either to the plant itself or, more commonly, the edible tuber.
Saccharum officinarum is sugarcane. It is a large, strong-growing species of grass in the genus Saccharum. It originated in southeast Asia and is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide for the production of sugar and other products.
team Askiitians

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