
What is ploidy of vegetative cell and generative cell?male gametes formed from generative cell are by mitosis or meiosis?Can u just explain me whole process of development of male gametophyte?

What is ploidy of vegetative cell and generative cell?male gametes formed from generative cell are by mitosis or meiosis?Can u just explain me whole process of development of male gametophyte?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
6 years ago
1. Microsporocytes or pollen mother cells are produced in the sporogenous tissue within the anther.
2.The two divisions of meiosis transform these cells into haploid microspores, each pollen mother cell producing first a dyad and, after the second meiotic division, a tetrad of microspores
3.Following release of microspores from the tetrads, there is an unequal division of the microspore (microspore mitosis), forming a vegetative cell (n) and a generative cell (n).
4.The vegetative cell constitutes the bulk of the young pollen grain, while the generative cell, which inherits a very small amount of the microspore cytoplasm, lies within the vegetative cell
5. In several plants, such as corn, the generative cell undergoes a mitotic division within the pollen grain, forming two sperm cells (n)554-853_microgametophyte.png

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