
the centripetal force F= mv 2 /r , the mass , velocity and circular path of an object are 0.5 kg, 10m/s and 0.4m respectively . Find the % error on the force given m, v, and r are measured to accuracies of 0.005kg , 0.01 m/s and 0.01m respectively.

the centripetal force F= mv2/r , the mass , velocity and circular path of an object are 0.5 kg, 10m/s and 0.4m respectively . Find the % error on the force given m, v, and r are measured to accuracies of 0.005kg , 0.01 m/s and 0.01m respectively.


1 Answers

Gaurav Gupta
askIITians Faculty 686 Points
6 years ago

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