
To paint the side of the building, painter normally hoists himself up by pulling on the rope A as in figure. The painter and platform together weigh 200N. The rope B can withstand 300 N. FindThe maximum acceleration of the painter(1) 19m/s^2 (2) 5m/s^2 (3) 9m/s^2 (4) 7m/s^2Tension in rope A, when painter is at rest (1) 100N (2) 65N (3) 90N (4) 98NTension in rope A, when painter moves up with an acceleration 2m/s^2 (1) 135N (2) 122N (3) 115N (4) 120N

To paint the side of the building, painter normally hoists himself up by pulling on the rope A as in figure. The painter and platform together weigh 200N. The rope B can withstand 300 N. FindThe maximum acceleration of the painter(1) 19m/s^2 (2) 5m/s^2 (3) 9m/s^2 (4) 7m/s^2Tension in rope A, when painter is at rest (1) 100N (2) 65N (3) 90N (4) 98NTension in rope A, when painter moves up with an acceleration 2m/s^2 (1) 135N (2) 122N (3) 115N (4) 120N

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Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Gurjit kaur
21 Points
6 years ago
Here tension in rope A when painter is at rest is 2T=200 threfore T=100 when painter moves up with a=2 then 2T=mg and 200=10m , m=20,2T-mg =ma then T= 40+200/2 =240/2=120N
canam diem techs
15 Points
6 years ago
T- Mg = Ma 
Here the tension is the maximum force hence is 300 N
Then Mg equals to the weight of the body and platform = 200 N
We are given that the weight is 200 N then mass is 200/g that is 20kg
Hence M = 20 kg
Hence 300-200/20 is the accceleration= 5 

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