Grade 7,

what is oxidation state of N in NOCl. it breaks as NO+ Cl- ,so its O.N. should be +3 but if we see its structure i.e. Cl--N==O ,breaking N--cl bond N gets -1 as sp2N is more electronegative then Cl and by breaking N=O, N gets+2 as O is more electronegative than N ,summing up O.N. of N we get it as +2-1=+1 . so which one is correct?????

what is oxidation state of N in NOCl.
it breaks as NO+ Cl- ,so its O.N. should be +3 but if we see its structure i.e. Cl--N==O ,breaking N--cl bond N gets -1 as sp2N is more electronegative then Cl and by breaking N=O, N gets+2 as O is more electronegative than N ,summing up O.N. of N we get it as +2-1=+1 .
so which one is correct?????

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
its +3.

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