
Which is the best newspaper for the IAS UPSC exam? Newspapers are the best source of reliable information on current affairs for competitive exams. Best newspapers for the IAS UPSC exam are: 1. The Hindu 2. The Indian Express 3. Business Standard 4. Dainik Bhaskar 5. Dainik Jagran 6. Navbharat Know more information from

Which is the best newspaper for the IAS UPSC exam?

Newspapers are the best source of reliable information on current affairs for competitive exams. Best newspapers for the IAS UPSC exam are:

1. The Hindu

2. The Indian Express

3. Business Standard

4. Dainik Bhaskar

5. Dainik Jagran

6. Navbharat

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Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
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