
which of the following product is possible if one mole of KClO3 accepts 4 mole electron-1. KClO2 2. KClO4 3.KOCl 4.KCl

which of the following product is possible if one mole of KClO3 accepts 4 mole electron-1. KClO2 2. KClO4 3.KOCl 4.KCl


2 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
if one mole of KClO3 accepts 4 mole electron- then the product possibble would be having the valency around +5 that is the valence factor would be less than 5.
Hence, KClO2 could be the possible option.
Mohit Dagar
15 Points
4 years ago
KClO3 has +5 oxidation state and it accepts 4 mole electron i.e. the product have +1 oxidation state so that answer is KClO

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